The First Kidney Transplant Completed at ZCH

20/09/2023 International Affairs Office

The first kidney transplant was successfully performed at the Children's Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine (ZCH) on August 5, 2023. A eight-year girl Sisi (an alias) finally doesn’t need dialysis anymore and can drink water freely after the kidney transplant. 


When Sisi was born, she was treated in a local hospital for diarrhea due to lactose intolerance. During the treatment, the result of blood test indicated increased creatinine acidosis. After a full epigenetic test, Sisi was diagnosed with congenital double kidney dysplasia due to PAX2 gene mutation. Sisi's kidney function gradually deteriorated and she developed stage 5 chronic kidney disease. A year ago, Sisi was referred to the renal center of ZCH for the further treatment. Her only chance for a cure is the kidney transplant. During the waiting for a suitable kidney source, meanwhile the kidney transplant team of ZCH is preparing for the next stage of Sisi's treatment. Six months later, Sisi was lucky enough to be matched a suitable kidney donor through the national organ donation contribution system.


How to ensure the first renal transplant was successfully completed? The surgeon team formulated the surgical plan, the nephrology team formulated the drug plan, and the anesthesia surgery team prepared the anesthesia plan and surgical equipment. Finally, the perioperative management plan was determined through MDT discussion of organ transplantation led by Prof. Shu Qiang. On August 5, Dr. Chen Guangjie, deputy director of Urology Department, a member of the kidney transplant team of ZCH, implanted the new kidney in the child's peritoneum with the support of Shulan Hospital. The operation lasted about two hours and ten minutes. when the surgeon released the blood vessel blocking forceps, Sisi's new kidney immediately became red and full, and a few seconds later, the "first drop of urine" flowed out, marking the successful transplant of the allogeneic kidney into the child's body.


After surgery, Sisi was sent to SICU (Surgical Intensive Care Unit) for monitoring, receiving anti-infection, anti-rejection and other treatment. Five days later, Sisi was transferred to the general ward. After seven-day stay at the Nephrolgoy Department, Sisi was discharged from the hospital.