Summer School on “Adolescent Medicine: Good Health and Well-being” held at ZCH

09/08/2024 International Affairs Office

From July 22 to August 2, the Children’s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine (ZCH) held a Summer School on the theme of “Adolescent Medicine: Good Health and Well-being”. As one of the eighteen modules of Zhejiang University 2024 SDG Global Summer School, this Summer School focused on adolescent medicine, a field of studies that is much overlooked but nonetheless potential and highly relevant to the immediate health of youth as well as the long-term well-being of the world. 


An Inclusive Summer School Supported by World-class Faculty


Initiated by Prof. FU Junfen, President of ZCH and an expert in adolescent medicine, the Summer School was made possible by the world-class faculty for clinical training and medical studies of the School of Pediatrics of Zhejiang University. The Summer School had a rich schedule over two weeks, consisting of lectures, workshops, and hands-on practices given or guided by experienced scientists, researchers, and clinical staff, with the goal of promoting state-of-the-art knowledge of adolescent medicine and cultivating future talents in pediatrics.


As an inclusive program open to all student interested in medicine regardless of their background and nationality, the Summer School received over 90 applications and eventually enrolled about 23 students, from prestigious medical schools of universities such as Imperial College London (UK), Mahidol University (Thailand), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Zhejiang University, Fudan University, and Huazhong University of Science and Technology.


The opening ceremony heard several welcome addresses by hospital leaders and medical experts, including Prof. SHU Qiang, CCP Secretary of ZCH, Prof. FU Junfen, President of ZCH, Prof. MA Daqing, Executive Vice Dean of the School of Pediatrics, Prof. MAO Jianhua, Vice President of ZCH, and Prof. Constantin Polychronakos, an honorary guest professor from McGill University (Canada). Besides extending heartfelt congratulations and a warm welcome to students from home and abroad, they expressed expectations that students take this opportunity to expand knowledge of adolescent medicine, develop friendship across national borders, and commit themselves to improving global health and well-being.

Opening Ceremony


Informative and Impactful Lectures on Adolescent Medicine


The Summer School encompassed a wide range of topics, each constituting a special aspect of adolescent medicine. Over the last two weeks, more than ten lectures were delivered to students, covering puberty and mini-puberty, adolescent quality of life, obesity and diabetes in adolescence were considered, developmental diseases, developmental nutrition, and so forth. Moreover, there were lectures on research methodology, introducing scientific research in medicine can be informed and empowered by innovative methods such as zebrafish model and generative AI.


The very first lecture of the Summer School was given by Prof. FU Junfen, who is a leading endocrinologist in China and the incumbent President of ZCH, on the topic of “Puberty and Mini-puberty”. Her lecture provided students with a comprehensive understanding of puberty, including the physiological and psychological changes it brings out, as well as the factors influencing its onset and development. Informative and enthusiastic, she taught not only the signs and symptoms, normal and abnormal development of puberty, but also the potential risks and consequences associated with early or delayed puberty. Encouraged by her interactive manner of teaching, many of the students claimed to have developed great interest in exploring puberty and adolescent medicine.


Another remarkable lecture was delivered by Dr. BAI Guannan, who is a principal investigator at ZCH, on the topic of “Quality of Life in Adolescents”. Her lecture provided an overview of health-related quality of life, discussed methodologies for its measurement in adolescents, and illustrated the application of quality of life metrics in clinical practice and research involving adolescent populations. She also engaged the students in practical exercises, inviting them to complete questionnaires that assess their own quality of life. Her lecture was characterized with substantial interaction, stimulating discussion, and numerous insights and inspiration.


In addition to heated discussion in class, post-class feedback from students was also highly positive. Many students approached lecturers either immediately after class or later via email, raising questions and seeking advice for their studies. Abdul Rafay, a medical undergraduate student at Imperial College London, wrote an email saying that the lecture was “both engaging and thought-provoking, especially in highlighting the multiracial aspects that contribute to a good quality of life.” He conveyed a keen interest in learning more about Dr. BAI’s studies on quality of life, and even in remotely participating in her research projects at ZCH.

Prof. FU Junfen on “Puberty and mini-puberty: How much you know about puberty”

Prof. MA Daqing on “Good sleep and good health”

Prof. DU Lizhong on “Breathing life, growing healthier: the development of neonatal medicine in China”

Prof. MAO Jianhua on “Developmental kidney and developmental diseases”

Constantin Polychronakos on “How sweet is youth: Diabetes in adolescents”


Medicine-related Activities Featuring ZCH Style and TCM Charm


Besides lectures, the Summer School also held various cultural activities in and out of the hospital, including experienced at Clinical Simulation Center and Child Life Program, practices of baduanjin, a Chinese physical exercise, and visits to museums of traditional Chinese medicine and Zhejiang history.


Many students cherished the memorable afternoon spent with the Child Life Program. Guided by the Child Life team at ZCH, students paid visits to playrooms and the Disney Fun House in the inpatient building, where they learned about how humanistic care helps with healing while joining inpatient children to make handicrafts. Jin Yuyu, a pediatric graduate student at Fudan University, was impressed by the very idea of specifying rooms for the purpose of alleviating children’s fear and anxiety. She realized that “there are so many things that we can do for the children to preserve their health not only physically but also mentally.”

Child-life program at Disney Fun House


Another highlight was students’ close experience of traditional Chinese medicine. During lunchbreaks, they went to the hospital gym for baduanjin. Standing in rows and following the coaches’ guidance, students stretched their bodies and saw their minds refreshed. They also visited Zhejiang Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where many international students marveled at the time-honored history and profound theories of Chinese medicine. As accounted by Niusha Mostafavi, an Iranian student doing PhD in Wuhan, the exhibitions “not only taught us about the therapeutic properties of various herbs but also gave us a deeper appreciation for traditional medical practices.”

Students visiting Zhejiang Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine


Such close experiences seemed to have ignited in international students a lively interest in traditional Chinese medicine. After the museum visit, Piraseat Rordzanabidikun, a medical student from Mahidol University, was extremely fascinated with Chinese philosophy of healthcare. “In a world predominated by Western medicine,” he said, “Chinese medicine appears so different and unique. It gives importance to inner balance and harmony, and worths more attention from us.”


Leaving ZCH as Friends, Staying Committed to Global Health


After two weeks of lectures and activities, the Summer School came to a happy ending in the closing ceremony, which was attended by Prof. FU Junfen, President of ZCH, Ms. WANG Xiaoying, CCP Deputy Secretary of ZCH, and Prof. MA Daqing, Executive Vice Dean of the School of Pediatrics, along with all students and instructors.

Closing Ceremony


Reuniting students on the same venue after two weeks, Prof. FU delivered a passionate closing speech. She summarized all the lectures and activities, thanked the entire faculty and staff for their selfless support, and congratulated the students on completing the Summer School. She hoped students take away knowledge, friendship, and experience they attained, while keeping in mind their connection with ZCH and Zhejiang University. She wished all the best of students, and looked forward to their returning to ZCH, an ideal platform for them to make youthful contributions to pediatrics and global health.

Chorus: “We are the world”


Coming on their own from all corners of the world, students left ZCH as bosom friends. Throughout the Summer School, they grew into a solidary community, which was united by their common interest in adolescent medicine, their shared commitment to global health, and their joint responsibility to the future for the mankind. Fathia Farida, a Nigerian MBBS student at Zhejiang University, cherished her friendship very much. “We connected and found common ground, supported, and encouraged each other. We shared laughter, ideas, and experiences that will stay with me forever,” she said, “These bonds have made this summer school truly unforgettable.”


The Summer School proved a great success and an unforgettable experience for students. As remarked by Wong Tsz Yeung, a medical undergraduate student at Chinese University of Hong Kong, “it is such an amazing experience to attend this summer school, studying and growing with medical students from various nations for two weeks. With the well-planned schedule of lectures, visits, and practical courses, I am equipped with more knowledge and practical experiences to deal with childhood diseases and contribute to sustainable development goals in the future.”



Words from Students:


I have met so many wonderful people and I will always remember my time here. When I come back to London I will definitely tell my course mates and friends about this summer school and recommend for them to come as well. I look forward to coming to China again. Thank you, and I wish you lots of success in the future! 

(Elizaveta Tagunova from the UK, student of Imperial College London)


The lecture and the workshops have also been remarkable. They have widely opened my eyes to new skills and ideas. The hands-on experiences have made me learn and engage in both practically and physically. I've learned so much from every talented instructors. The knowledge and the insights I’ve gained are experiences that will be everlasting with after I leave this camp.

(Naphatsakorn Kaentho from Thailand, student of Zhejiang University)


I will cherish the friendships we have formed here. We came from different parts of the world, but we connected and found common ground, supported, and encouraged each other. We shared laughter, ideas, and experiences that will stay with me forever. These bonds have made this summer school truly unforgettable.

(Fathia Farida from Nigeria, student of Zhejiang University)


It is such an amazing experience to attend this summer school, studying and growing with medical students from various nations for two weeks. With the well-planned schedule of lectures, visits, and practical courses, I am equipped with more knowledge and practical experiences to deal with childhood diseases and contribute to sustainable development goals in the future.

(Wong Tsz Yeung from Hong Kong SAR, student of Chinese University of Hong Kong)


I think this summer school served as an excellent platform for communicating with peers. We exchanged ideas and interests, and their plans for the future and current endeavors really inspired me. These interactions enriched my understanding of different approaches to our shared field and spurred me to fight for my own future rather than abandon myself in video games.

(Chen Yitian from China, student of Zhejiang University)


The excellent oral skills and teaching abilities of the teachers made the classes lively and interesting. The exquisite slides and engaging classroom discussions made the knowledge more accessible and easier to remember. The teachers’ impressive and rich resumes are also admirable.

(Ye Ningli from China, student of Fudan University)


My time at the SDG Global Summer School at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou was an unforgettable experience that combined rigorous academic learning with rich cultural immersion. The program provided a unique opportunity to delve into various aspects of sustainable development while exploring the vibrant city of Hangzhou.

(Niusha Mostafavi from Iran, student of Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Office of International Affairs
