Scientific Research Achievements

National Continuing Education Program
Item Number Project Project Leader Credit Department Time
2022-06-01-083 Blood clotting disease in children Xu Weiqun
2022-14-04-015 New progress in nursing of respiratory diseases in children Xu Hongzhen
2022-06-01-067 Progress in diagnosis and treatment of pediatric critical diseases Zhang Chenmei
2022-13-01-054 Practice and new progress of safe drug use in children Wu Miaolian
2022-06-04-056 Progress in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases in children Hua Chunzhen
2022-06-04-022 Theory and practice of early oral correction in children Ruan Wenhua
2022-06-01-066 Progress in diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in children Gong Fangqi
2022-14-04-098 Patient -and family centered pediatric care Xu Hongzhen
2022-06-04-104 Pediatric Clinical Research Coordinator/Research Nurse Training course Shu Qiang
2022-14-04-099 New progress of intravenous infusion and safety management in children Lou Xiaofang